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Digital marketing that improves your Marketing campaign

by | Oct 8, 2020 | Blogs | 0 comments

We learnt that there is a constant challenge for modern organizations to stay on top of their digital efforts in a data-driven and purely customer-focused intelligent globe. So it’s time to examine some of the latest Technique that improves your Marketing campaign.

Innovative AI and behavioural marketing

In cases the more data you collect from your marketing campaigns, the more you can absolutely tailor your strategies to suit your target global audience. In 2020 the impact of artificial intelligence is joining the team for betterment. Applause to machine learning algorithms in today’s digital platforms, you can perfectly predict what your customers want to see.

This eventually means that you can simply find and develop the best marketing content, improve the way you serve your audience, and even adjust the channels you use according to customer details.

The Demand for Video

Primarily whether it’s on your website pages, or even your social media feed – video is everywhere. There is several qualitative digital Marketing campaign for anyone who wishes to capture the attention of a wider audience.

Stats to prove

  • 80% of Twitter users watch video when browsing social media
  • Facebook users consume around 10 billion videos each day
  • YouTube viewers watch almost around a billion hours of video every day

There are numerous formats you can try out, from live streams taken with a phone camera, to develop videos that dominantly welcome people to your homepage and app page.

Travelling into Global Mobile Marketing

Presently we’re actually beginning to realise that mobile is more important than we ever imagined. Interestingly almost 54 % of all worldwide online traffic came from mobile phones this year. In addition people are watching videos on their smartphones more than ever, with an annual growth of 90%. Also when it comes to customer referrals, 90% of people are more likely to suggest a brand after a better mobile experience.

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