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App promotion- Measuring the effectiveness of your marketing strategies

by | Aug 27, 2013 | Blogs

Measuring the effectiveness of your marketing channels is very critical to your app promotion strategy, and there are several ways to go about it.

Measuring the effectiveness of your app marketing channels

You need to try all sorts of things to promote your app effectively. You need to try several channels to create awareness and lure people to try your app , but it is more important that you know what channels are more effective. In detecting the most effective promotion channel, you can try focus on the channels where the most downloads come from, or the channels that bring the most revenue and traffic, this will help you decide what is worth it and what’s not.

Measure users’ retention by learning how they use your app

mobile-app-promotion-techniquesLearning the behavioural patterns of your app’s users especially when they use the core features of your app can help you mention users’ retention more effectively. You need to understand that they key to your app’s survival depends on how many downloads it receives on constant basis, likewise you need people to come back and use the app. You need to listen to the feedback you receive online and offline about your app, don’t rely on the design and features of your app alone in its promotion.

When people are not using your app the way you want them to, then you should learn to measure their retention by studying how much time they spend using it, how many times they share it , and how many times they come back to use the app. You also need to understand the features they use more and what needs to be changed about the app to make it more fun for its users. There are quite a number of apps analysis tools you can use only to measure users retention rates on your app.

You need to measure your App’s online presence

Don’t rely solely on your App’s store page, you need to work and let people search and find your app on the web. Building a community around your app is very essential and it usually starts from having a blog, as well as using the main popular social media platforms.

Some of the best possible platforms you can use in driving people towards your app include; your presence on apps forums, the use of online videos, Social bookmarking, Webinars, SEO strategies, Podcasting, document sharing, and Online Videos.

Measuring your app’s online presence can take a whole lot of your time; all you need to do is to stream-line the most effective platforms among these and use the appropriate tools in measuring the flow of traffic.

Measuring the success of your app promotional platforms gives you the opportunity of adding up new cool features, or simply put – Upgrade the app and let the users provide you feedback. The best possible way of promoting your app is to secure the services of a app marketing agency.

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