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Loop Man

Loop Man

Project Info

Loop man is simple & fun endless runner game. Our team worked with the developer in promoting the app in social media.
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Word Puzzle for Fun

Word Puzzle for Fun

Project Info

Word Puzzle for Fun is a word puzzle with great user experience and intuitive game play. We worked on ASO, Press Release, Social Promotion, Newsletter Blast and app reviews.
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Sheep Master App

Sheep Master App

Project Info

The game actually focuses on Christian concepts and principles emanating from the Bible. Our team helped in focusing the ASO, Reviews and organic social media.

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Zeus the Thunderer Greek God Casino

Zeus the Thunderer Greek God Casino

Project Info

In promoting the cool slot game, we mainly focused on the social media, targeted face book groups and getting permalinks and link back from blog network

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Timeline Trip Edinburgh

Timeline Trip Edinburgh

Project Info

Our AppMarketingPlus team worked with developer in Press Release, App Reviews and app promotion through social media

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