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Android App Marketing- Lesson 12 – App demo or video trailer


Did you know there is a way to let people try out your app, even before it is released to stores? That’s right, there is. It can help you make changes to your app before the big release and give you some feedback before your actual app is out.

Now let’s get down to how this is possible. Creating a demo of your app (also referred to as a lite version) is a small a free version of the app that does not include everything that is available on your app, but is enough to know how people will feel about it.

A video trailer is similar but the users will not be using your app, you will. A good video trailer shows a detailed look at the app, explaining what stuff is and how to us it. It should also highlight things that make your app unique when compared to other similar apps, or ones in your niche. It should NOT mention competitors or other apps that you are not partnered with.

Both of these methods are a good way to increase your android app marketing. While using both can make your app more effective by using a lot of different marketing methods, not every app creator has the time, money, and/or effort to do both of these things. The choice is up to you as to which you use. One let’s people have control, but will be able to detect bug fixes before the big release. The other, you are in control, but if you missed something no one will notice until it is released.

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Android App Marketing – Lesson 11 – Promoting Your App Through Social Media


One way of using android app marketing is social media. This will allow you to connect to people, share information, and let other people share your information with their friends. There are many different social media sites, and each is unique in it’s own way. Luckily for you marketing on this sites all have similar concepts.

The number one thing apps forget when they are on social media is that the page is for gaining downloads, not having the most likes or followers. While it is nice to have a lot because the more you have the more people your page will reach, the ultimate goal is to drive people to download your app.

Facebook and Twitter are the biggest social media sites when it comes to android app marketing. This is because all age groups use these two sites. In order to gain likes, or followers you need to show people a little of your app whether you are in stores or not. Pictures, short descriptions, and talking about a feature in the app are all things you can do to get people interested in your app.

When you start to grow a small network of likes, or followers friends of those people can see who they like, and who they follow. There is also a chance of ending up on one of your likes, or followers suggestion box for their friends. Due to this, you can reach an unlimited amount of people even if they are not involved in your apps page.

The success of your social media page is not measured by the amount of people that follow or like it but by the amount of people that download your app because of it. So make sure that you include a link to your app in your pages description.

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Android App Marketing – Lesson 10 – In-App Billing and subscription Model


If your app something that people have to pay a monthly fee for? Are you an app that is a subscription service? Does your android app marketing make people want to buy it? If you have an app that people are charged a monthly/annual fee for then you should note a few things.

Your app itself should be free. Extra charges will turn people away from your app. If you charge fees then your app should be free because people will already being paying to use your app.

The price of your fees should make people think they are getting a good deal. Do not lie to your users but being cheaper than other similar services even by a little can make someone favor you over a competitor. If being cheaper isn’t an option then you need to have something your competitors don’t. If you are not unique then why should anyone choose you over the next app?

When you have a subscription based app you need credibility. No one wants to put their credit or debit card on a site that has no credibility or that looks like a scam. If you do not have any credibility you should start off by offering a free trial. This can be a week free trial or so and will let people explore your app without having to put a card on account. This will start to build up credibility when people buy a subscription. After a while your android app marketing will allow you to gain credibility by itself and the free trial will no longer be needed if you so wish.

Using android app marketing will be very difficult if you do not have credibility. Though it can make people interested and they may wait to see if you gain the credibility before downloading and paying for your subscription.

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Android App Marketing – Lesson 9 – App Review Blogs and App Review Magazines


There are both blogs and magazines that review apps and can severely effect your android app marketing capability. Good reviews can obviously boos your downloads and just making it onto one these sites or articles is getting the word about your app out. On the other hand, if you receive a bad review it can damage the downloads of your app.

The biggest issue is that they have the right to say anything about your app and you can’t do much about it. If they decide your app is bad, people will listen. Luckily in order to make it onto a blog or article your app has to usually be pretty good.

A lot of these blogs and sites post about new or hot apps at their own discretion but you can always contact them to see if they would be willing to review your app. Most of the reviews do include a link to your app so that the viewer can easily download your app if they are interested. The more links that are to your app the better and it can help with your ranking.

You can also use one of these review methods to keep track of new things entering your niche. See what people like in apps to help plan for a future update. You can also use this to see who competitors may be or what apps you may want to contact for a partnership or for other business related means. Keeping up with the ever changing app world is a must if you plan to make it on top and would like to stay there. So many apps have tried and failed to make it because they were to out-of-date. When newer apps came out those ones were left in the dust

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Android App Marketing – Lesson 8 – App Reviews and Ratings


The reviews and ratings of your app are very important. It will help you better use android app marketing and help to improve your app.

Take time to read your reviews. This can help you find issues with the app such as bugs and glitches. It can also show what people do not like about it (takes too long to load, can’t read text, new update isn’t that great, etc). When you are thinking about an update it can be a good idea to look at your reviews too, as people often put what they would like to see done with the app. It’s not a good idea to just do what everyone wants because it may not always be beneficial for you (make the app free, take away ads, etc.). Keeping up with reviews also shows what kind of people download your app.

Ratings of your app will help with your app make it to the top as long as the ratings are good. Keep track of where they are before and after an update. If you are getting mostly 3-4 stars on your ratings then after an update you get mostly 4-5 stars you know that this update has improved the app. If you continue to get 3-4 stars it was a good update but it did not effect the overall app. If you get 2-3 stars after an update then you know you did something wrong. Your ratings should never drop after an update because an update is supposed to improve or enhance an app for the users sake.

The better your reviews and ratings the further android app marketing will take your app, meaning there will be more and more people that will be interested in downloading it. Updates should be able to improve your reviews and ratings, and not lower them for any reason

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