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Mobile App Localization Tips from the Best in the Business

Mobile App Localization

Adapting an app’s user interface and functionality for users in different target markets is known as mobile app localization. Localization was previously part of the app scaling strategy. It is seamlessly integrated into the development process and becomes an integral part of the app life cycle when done correctly.

When global users download a mobile application, they already expect it to be in their preferred language. So, no matter what stage of app development you’re at, localization should be considered. There are billions of app users worldwide who cannot be reached with an un-localized app—localization allows you to target app users in every country worldwide and maximize your app’s exposure and coverage.

Tips for Mobile Apps Localization

Concentrate on the Profitable Regions and Languages

Before localizing your mobile app, you should first know to concentrate on the most commonly used internet languages. Here are the top five languages spoken online: The top three languages—English, Chinese, and Spanish—should be prioritized for localization because they account for 55% of all internet content. After you’ve finished localizing for these languages, you can proceed down the list.

Find a Qualified Translator

Google Translate and other artificial intelligence (AI) tools are useful, but they are no substitute for professional quality translation. A skilled translator from a translation agency or a language service provider (LSP) can help your text sound more natural kind to native speakers in your target market.

Local readers may question the integrity of your mobile app if you use poor wording or grammar. A professional translator can assist you in avoiding common blunders and maintaining the credibility of your app.

Test the Mobile App with Users in their Native Language

It is elaborated that beta testing can help identify issues and fix bugs before the app is released. Localization testing must be included in your beta programmes. Localization testing ensures that your app’s functionality and user interface work properly in multiple languages.

You should find testers for each region where the app will be released during your testing. They can look over your translated user interface to ensure that it looks and feels natural in their language and culture.

Use a Secure Web Host     

If all of your users are German, your web host must have data centres in Germany. If your users are in North America, the best option is to use American or Canadian web hosting services.

Final Thoughts

Any app developer should invest in mobile app localization. When done correctly, localization is one of the most quality ways to increase downloads, users, and revenue.

App Localization and Effective App Translation


App localization is essential to maximize the marketing potential of different apps. It may not seem that app localization is necessary at first glance, but it is often so difficult for users around the world to find the information they need, and thereby find the apps that they need. Using app localization in conjunction with effective app translation can dramatically increase sales. When it is broken down into an easy to understand concept, it is relatively easy to understand why app localization is so important.

It is important to remember that technology has advanced to a point where people all over the world that share the same interests and the same needs have use for many of the same apps. However, many app developers completely miss the mark when they fail to use localization and translation in order to increase the market. Failure to do so effectively eliminates potential sales from other countries. In some extreme cases, it can even eliminate potential sales from a certain part of the country where the app is available more widely in certain locations than in others.

It is relatively easy to understand what a dramatic impact app localization has on marketing, and thus on sales potential. By localizing an app so that anyone can use it anywhere in the world, sales that may only be possible in one country are suddenly possible the world over. It is much the same as the way the different operating systems were with smart phones several years ago when many apps would be available on one system, but were not available on any other system. It effectively eliminated all of the potential sales from customers that were using the other operating system because the app was not made available to everyone.

Therefore, businesses that want to capitalize on the potential to make money from the sale of apps should use app localization in order to make them available on every operating system and to make them available to every individual in various countries that speak different languages. By doing so, it is possible to dramatically increase their sales potential and see their profits soar.

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