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Android App Marketing – Lesson 9 – App Review Blogs and App Review Magazines


There are both blogs and magazines that review apps and can severely effect your android app marketing capability. Good reviews can obviously boos your downloads and just making it onto one these sites or articles is getting the word about your app out. On the other hand, if you receive a bad review it can damage the downloads of your app.

The biggest issue is that they have the right to say anything about your app and you can’t do much about it. If they decide your app is bad, people will listen. Luckily in order to make it onto a blog or article your app has to usually be pretty good.

A lot of these blogs and sites post about new or hot apps at their own discretion but you can always contact them to see if they would be willing to review your app. Most of the reviews do include a link to your app so that the viewer can easily download your app if they are interested. The more links that are to your app the better and it can help with your ranking.

You can also use one of these review methods to keep track of new things entering your niche. See what people like in apps to help plan for a future update. You can also use this to see who competitors may be or what apps you may want to contact for a partnership or for other business related means. Keeping up with the ever changing app world is a must if you plan to make it on top and would like to stay there. So many apps have tried and failed to make it because they were to out-of-date. When newer apps came out those ones were left in the dust

Complete list of Android App Marketing Lessons

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