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The one thing every app developer wishes to see is good app retention. Android app marketing is to get you the downloads but now you need people to use your app and often. Different types of apps have a different defining good or bad retention scale. An app that is a game is likely to be used more often than an app for finding a TV show’s Showtime. This makes it difficult to correctly judge how effective your user retention actually is.

In order to check your user retention look at a line graph. Your personal retention will show where your high and low points are. Your average retention as of six months should be higher than your first month. If people are not using your app as often as they should then it’s time to head to the drawing board. Why is your retention low? It could be low because an update hasn’t happened for a while, or maybe it was an update that lowered your retention.

User Acquisition is more directly between you are your users. While you can just wait and hope that your users rate and review your app, some of them need more of a push to do so. Making an in-app popup that asks people to rate your app can help people to actually review and rate your app. Sometimes though, that is not always enough. User acquisition is all about gaining customers and so sometimes an incentive can be given to users. For example a game app may give away fee crystals to anyone that reviews the app, where crystals are usually gotten by leveling up or buying them.

Complete list of Android App Marketing Lessons

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