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Why the best mobile marketing company for a business is an asset?

Mobile Marketing Company

In today’s app world, competition is unfortunately at an all-time high. According to a report, both the Google Play Store and the Apple App Store have more than 3 million apps each. So, what is your strategy for making your app more visible to targeted users? How do you know if you want to hire mobile app marketing services?

Here you’ll find some tips that will help you get the most from your app marketing company. Or if you’re looking for an agency to handle things, we’ve got all the info on what to consider before making a decision.

Developing a solid marketing strategy is essential to the success of your app.

One of the best things you can do is hire a marketing agency when developing your app. That way, they can help come up with an even more effective strategy once it’s finished and ready to launch.

Today, the app market is one of the fastest-growing industries. That is why more and more people are getting apps made for their company. They’re not only easy to make, but they can give your company a lot of benefits that you might not have thought of. Mobile app marketing campaigns are a fantastic way to reach new customers, acquire new leads, and market your business on social media. 98% of mobile app businesses have a top-notch mobile app marketing strategy that is appropriate for their needs.

Marketing on mobile devices is very different from marketing on other platforms. The differences are the following:

ASO is a process of optimizing an app to be found in the app stores. By making an app search-worthy, it will likely increase rankings for the app itself.

If you want to make your application successful you’re going to need a top-notch onboarding process in place. So here are some of the best ways for you to get users hooked and keep them around for the long haul:

Promotional activities are being made to entice customers for reviews and feedback.

One thing you will want to consider before jumping at any opportunity is the longevity of your marketing app. Your marketing app must be able to stay current and relevant for the future.

It’s important to understand which factors are most important before hiring a company for your business. The three things you should think about include:

1. Communication

Find an agent who is confident and knowledgeable in communication. You also need to find out whether they have experience with your specific or similar needs and whether they will be responsive to all of your questions. You’ll also want to know if they are able and willing to deliver what you’re looking for.

If you think the agency is communicating well, check if they have any testimonials or reviews from clients. Ask them how they will respond to your concerns. For example, answer questions directly and promptly.

2. Trustworthiness

At the start, it can be difficult to figure out this factor. But, it is important and can’t be ignored. You need to make sure your company is reliable and shares all of its details with you regarding your project. Ask these questions for clarification:

We assure you that our experts will give your business goals and challenges the best care.

What does the company’s governance policy say about how transparent working styles should be?

Does the agency follow a tight schedule or deadline?

Is the agency using the latest tools and technology?

To pick an app marketing company, it is important to get all the answers to these questions. For example, read online reviews and see what other customers think about that particular business.

3. Results

A good marketing agency will provide you with valuable monetary results. Have a look at the company’s history and also check their reviews from past customers.

Few factors can determine an agency’s level of creativity. The main one is their experience. You should consider their past projects and see how successful they were in gaining attention and growing the business.

The best time to hire a mobile app marketing agency is when you need in-depth technical knowledge. Being able to access the latest information and trends will help the company grow.

If you want to fuel the growth of your app, then it’s important to hire an agency as early as possible. This ensures that they have ample time to do their research and advise on the best route for you

Mobile application marketing agencies do more than just promote your app. They guide you throughout the development process and conduct a thorough audit of your app, helping you get to the top of the charts.

The best choice would be to find a marketing company that will be an affordable fit for your small business needs. This way, you don’t have to worry about rent money going towards marketing costs.

After considering these factors, it’s evident that the importance of hiring an app marketing agency is high. If you want your application will grow to reach a new set of customers, then you should take the services provided by a marketing company that has compelling experience and skills in app promotion and mobile app marketing.

Android App Marketing – Lesson 16 – Keep Top in Category Ranking


Congratulations your app has made it to the top in it’s category. Now you just need to make sure that it stays there. App search optimization (ASO) is what helped you get to the top and now you need to keep your users happy and interested so you don’t fall out of the top.

In order to stay on top you need to be on top of the ever changing app world. Your updates should not only improve your app but it should make your app better than your competitors. If you are a business app that provides information for small businesses, and apps, then you should not just post information for your users but you should explore similar apps and make sure your information is just as up-to-date as theirs.

If you have to money to, and you haven’t already; get your app on TV. A televised commercial off your app will drive more people to download it. This is the age of technology and you should take advantage of every opportunity there is. Using all of the android app marketing you have learned you will be able to fight to stay on top, you will also have an advantage over anyone who does not know all of these android app marketing techniques.

Connect with other apps. If you can partner with other apps in your niche you can gain users from them, and they can gain users from you. This can be very powerful if the apps work well together. Reaching out to other develops can help you stay on top, and they could even help bring you to the top

Complete list of Android App Marketing Lessons

Android App Marketing – Lesson 15 – App Updating and Price drops


An update for your app is never a bad thing. An update is to improve your app whether the improvement it big or small. You should not keep an update a secret to your users. That means that there is more android app marketing for you to look forward to. Just like you would market your app before it is in stores, you should market your upcoming update the same way. Using means of social media you can announce an update and some of the new things that to be expected in it. The only type of update you shouldn’t announce is a bug fix.

You should announce the update a week or two before it will be released depending on the size of the update. Make sure that people are aware that there is going to be an update and that they are aware of some or all of the upcoming changes. If you got people excited for your app before the release then you will be able to get people excited about the upcoming update.

A price drop can happen for good and bad reasons with an app. A good reason would be lowering the price as a special event for a short amount of time then returning it to it’s original price. This could be a good idea around holidays such as Christmas because people will have more money to spend on apps. A bad reason is no one is buying your app so you have to drop your price in order to hope people will be more interested. Your app is only worth so much, you can still have a paid app you just need to find the marginal cost of it.

Complete list of Android App Marketing Lessons

Android App Marketing – Lesson 14 – User Acquisition and User Retention


The one thing every app developer wishes to see is good app retention. Android app marketing is to get you the downloads but now you need people to use your app and often. Different types of apps have a different defining good or bad retention scale. An app that is a game is likely to be used more often than an app for finding a TV show’s Showtime. This makes it difficult to correctly judge how effective your user retention actually is.

In order to check your user retention look at a line graph. Your personal retention will show where your high and low points are. Your average retention as of six months should be higher than your first month. If people are not using your app as often as they should then it’s time to head to the drawing board. Why is your retention low? It could be low because an update hasn’t happened for a while, or maybe it was an update that lowered your retention.

User Acquisition is more directly between you are your users. While you can just wait and hope that your users rate and review your app, some of them need more of a push to do so. Making an in-app popup that asks people to rate your app can help people to actually review and rate your app. Sometimes though, that is not always enough. User acquisition is all about gaining customers and so sometimes an incentive can be given to users. For example a game app may give away fee crystals to anyone that reviews the app, where crystals are usually gotten by leveling up or buying them.

Complete list of Android App Marketing Lessons

Android App Marketing – Lesson 13 – Word of mouth or user recommendations


Both of these topics are very similar and will sometimes be used to mean the same thing. All it is? Good, free, high return marketing. Very self explanatory word-of-mouth is android app marketing that someone hears from someone else. For example John Doe gets your app, likes it, and tell Jane Doe to get it. This is free marketing for you and there is a good chance Jane Doe will at least try your app. People will believe people they know over an ad that they see.

Why is this such a high return form of marketing? If a friend tells you that you should check out an app, chances are they are going to ask you later on if you downloaded it yet. This can also be a deciding factor if you are a paid app. If Jane Doe see’s app X and it costs money, and Jane Doe knows that her friend John Doe has that app Jane Doe is likely to ask John Doe if the app is worth it.

It does not matter what your app is known for in order to make word-of-mouth marketing effective. The app Flappy Bird (recently removed from the app store and play store) was known for being a frustrating game that people only complained about. Well, people downloaded the game just to see how frustrating it was. Then those people complained, and more downloaded it.

Complete list of Android App Marketing Lessons

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