The Global people are passionate about learning essential SEO because while they wish to implement, they prefer knowing about inner depths and important Analytics apps for the iPhone and Android. If people are going to launch their mobile app, they must likely consider the differences between optimizing a simple site and a mobile app or game. They also consider how to measure and data analysis process which will be different.
Thereby without a definitive plan and deep understanding of the fundamentals, your mobile app data will get complicated quickly. There are new better tools, new terminology, new reports, new rules for efficiency, and so on.
Few Promotion and Measurement Tools
Google Ads
You can perfectly advertise your app on Google search page results and on the Google Display Network (GDN). The GDN is made up of millions of websites, videos, and mobile apps.
It is also a good idea to advertise your app in other apps. You can also permit ads in your app to generate additional revenue.
It is regarded that the marketplace is often the destination URL for your ads. It’s where a variety of paid and free apps are available for download. There is App Store or Google Play for you. These marketplaces give you important information about your users, like their referral source, which can help you make smarter marketing decisions.
Select a Revenue Model for Your App – App Marketing Plus
Paid app
It is a one-time fee to download the app, alternatively, you can permit users to download the app for free and utilize a freemium model i.e. upgrades and premium features require users to pay a fee.
In-app purchases
One can also sell goods/services to users after they download and begin using the app. For instance, you sell coins in a game or users sell virtual products to other users. Generally, of course, you can also sell physical products in-app.
In-app ads
As earlier mentioned, AdMob permits you to display ads banners and full-screen displays, etc for other apps within your app. Every time your users click an ad in your app, you earn revenue.
Getting started with Android apps
Utilize the Android Studio to help with development.
- You can use the Google Play Services SDK, which gives you access to all of Google’s services, including Google Analytics and Google Play.
- Develop an AdMob account, which will also create Google Ads and AdSense accounts for you. Be sure to link your AdMob account to your Google Analytics account.
- Also, make sure your AdMob account is linked to your app in any marketplaces it may be in.
- Thereby after you’ve linked Google Analytics successfully, you’ll see data in the “Analyze” tab of AdMob within 24 hours.
Getting started with iOS apps
- If you’re starting to build for the App Store, always ensure you have a Mac that’s running at least OS X 10.8 and Xcode, which comprises the iOS DSK.
- One can also use the Google Analytics DSK for iOS on its own.
- Develop an AdMob account, which will also create Google Ads and AdSense accounts for you. Be sure to link your AdMob account to your Google Analytics account.
- Also, make sure your AdMob account is linked to your app in any marketplaces it may be in.
- So after effectively you’ve linked Google Analytics successfully, you’ll see data in the “Analyze” tab of AdMob within 24 hours.
Five Important Promotion Channels
Search ads
You have always text ads that appear on search engine results pages based on the search term i.e. Google Ads.
Display ads
There are banner ads that appear on websites, in videos, and within other apps. One can also target an audience based on similar content or you can choose specific places to advertise. It is also better to use display ads for remarketing/retargeting.
Social media
Social media is pretty self-explanatory. The user can use social media to promote your app, either organically or paid. It professionally works best when it’s built into your app. For instance, permitting users to connect to Facebook, ask for lives from friends, announce achievements, etc.
Popular Email marketing
If you can capture your users’ emails, you can use email marketing to retain and re-engage them e.g., “You have one new friend request”. Similarly, you can also advertise your app in third-party newsletters to reach an extended audience.
Apt Marketplaces
While users are often being driving third-party traffic to marketplaces, marketplaces are also designed to promote your app. It could be found via search, via popularity ratings, etc. It is why ratings and reviews can be so impactful.
Google Tag Manager Implementation
- You must have a very in-depth measurement strategy and implementation plan prior to development.
- Better to understand that the development of the GTM SDK in mobile might take a little longer than the GA SDK depending on your plan.
- Professionally prepare for the debugging process
- You must educate your marketers to properly tag all their campaigns so you get your correct referral information.
- Also, be comfortable with not necessarily getting every single piece of data because of the dispatch process and the realities of mobile devices.
As long as you understand all that, and prepare for it, you’ll be ready for the additional power and insight that a proper implementation using the GTM SDK will bring good results which are totally worth
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