The App Store rating and reviews are critical to the success of your app. Indeed, as social media beings, users are more likely to download and use an app if it has high ratings and positive reviews.
The rating on the App Store ranges from one to five stars. Users can rate your app from one to five stars, with one representing the lowest rating and five representing the highest rating. In general, the more happy and satisfied a user is with your app, the higher the rating they will give you.
How to Set Your App Ratings?
When you release a new app version, the Apple App Store allows you to reset your ratings. This is useful if you want to start over or only show ratings for your new app version.
However, it is strongly advised that you only use this feature when necessary. One reason is that if you only have a few to no ratings, users may no longer download your app.
You have another key reason where app updates are typically performed to address existing user concerns. As a result, if you reset your app rating, you lose the opportunity to demonstrate to other users that you actively monitor app reviews and ratings and create solutions to any issues.
Users can use their devices to leave ratings on the Apple App Store page. Apps for tvOS, macOS, iPad, and iOS can be rated. They can rate your app on their iOS dev page for watchOS.
What exactly are App Store Reviews?
App Store reviews, whether positive or negative, are extremely useful. You can learn about your app’s strengths and weaknesses by soliciting feedback or writing reviews.
What Role Do App Ratings and Reviews Play?
It is no secret that ratings and reviews play a significant role in determining the number of people who will use and purchase your products or services. The same can be said for the Apple App Store. App Store reviews and ratings help users decide whether or not to use your app. It also has an impact on the rankings of your mobile app.
Key reasons why you should devote time, energy, and resources to managing App Store Ratings and Reviews are as follows
- Increase your app store traffic
- Increase your conversion rate
- Enhance your brand’s image
- Establish rapport and trust
How to Boost Your App Store Ratings and Reviews
Develop the Best App to Get More Ratings and Reviews
The features and functionalities of your app will primarily determine whether or not users are satisfied. When your app meets your users’ needs and preferences, you can almost guarantee that they will give you a high rating and positive review. If, on the other hand, your app is a flop, you will not only have a high uninstall rate, but you will also receive a lot of negative feedback.
Don’t Pay For Reviews
If you have the money and understand the value of reviews, why not buy them? Not too quickly, though. You should think twice about it.
Buying reviews, for example, is considered a blackhat app store optimization (ASO) strategy. Blackhat means that you are attempting to exploit a loophole in the rulebook, and it is sometimes a direct way of breaking the rules. When you purchase reviews, you are taking a significant risk.
Request Ratings and Reviews
People are quick to make negative comments about you, but not so quick to make positive ones. As a result, asking for positive feedback is crucial and effective. Don’t be afraid to speak up. Ask. Who knows, maybe all your users need is a simple push and they will gladly give you positive feedback and ratings.
Use Precise Timing
When it comes to soliciting feedback, timing is everything. Never solicit feedback while your user is in the middle of a game or actively using the app. Instead, solicit feedback after they have completed a level, task, or action. Just be careful not to interfere with their app activities. Furthermore, make a request when you believe your user is likely to be happy and satisfied. Don’t ask for a review when they just started using your app.
Display Your Contact Information for Customer Service
You must inform your users of how to contact you. Not only that, but you should also encourage them to contact you if they encounter any bugs or difficulties with your app. This also saves you a lot of bad ratings.
Instead of users expressing their dissatisfaction with your app review, you allow them to contact you first. On your App Store product page, your contact information should be visible. It should be easily visible and accessible.
React To User Feedback
Users appreciate knowing that they are being heard. This is something you can do when you respond to them. It is not enough to simply receive feedback; you must respond, whether they left a positive or negative review.
A simple “thank you” and acknowledgement for positive reviews would be greatly appreciated. In the case of negative reviews, you can always assure your user that you are investigating their complaint and constantly improving your app.
Hold a Competition
Holding a contest will not only be enjoyable for your users, but it will also be an excellent way to improve your app’s reviews and ratings. Contests can be of any type. One good example is to ask your users to share your app with their friends and reward them with one raffle entry for each time they do so. Declare the contest’s start and end dates, as well as the winners’ names.
Try to Get Featured
You’ll need more users to get more app ratings and reviews. So, how do you increase the number of people who download and use your app? One of the most effective methods is to be featured by an influencer or a popular website. This may cost you a few dollars, but it should be well worth it once you have a steady stream of users willing to give you high ratings.