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It is trusted that a media push could leverage the publicity of your app and even drive downloads, such best efforts do not last for a long period. There have been numerous analysis that determined long-term effect of promotional campaigns. The cogent campaigns have attracted millions of viewers for particular period of time and after the promotions stop, these apps could not attain the success for long. Such expedient strategies did not work for the mobile app success in the long run.

You might think for going press releases and numerous mailers to several inboxes but these strategies work for a temporary period of time. Relying on outside forces for driving your app to immense success is of no use.

Steps to promote an app for long period of time

  • You could start marketing your app before its launch. This would assist you build a strong foundation for your app marketing efforts.
  • It is better to build up the marketing timeline to a strong crescendo, so that at the beginning of your marketing investment starts soft and conclusively peaks with their successful launch.
  • You could engage potential customers early and get them interested in the app.
  • Seek out prosperous customers so that you get quality feedback and they become well-wishers for the success of your app.

Power of email campaigns

In recent times the email campaigns are not given much prefernce particularly after the proliferation of social sites and tools. You could build your vital email list comprising your familiar social media contacts and leverage Twitter messages, efficacious landing pages, or comparable social media spreading tools so that you could attract everyone’s attention. Email marketing is beneficial and would reflect majority of users who are not tech-savvy but interested enough to be the app’s early adopters.

Blog your way in

It is better to start a blog that is dedicated to the app and it’s popular development. You could also ask for feedback about the app’s important features and even credit them for assisting you out. You could also utilize choices to blog comprising Blogger and WordPress with consistent way. Blogs are utilizied to connect and marvel relationships with early users of the app which would assist you promote the app after successful launch.

Blogging is key in building interest around your app and also for quality search visibility. One could also utilize targeted keywords, write quality content, and use quality links to connect to the online influencers for good reach through search engine rankings. It is also possible to analzye your primary purpose of the app and what the customers require, using keywords from the Google Adwords Keyword Planner.

Post Your App on Preapps Community

PREAPPS comprise a effective community of users who are keen to utilize new app ideas before they plan to release the app. The global users could sign-up and even be a beta tester to know the latest apps and core concepts. Once you post your app, other users would approach you to beta test your app. This move would attain you inputs and positive feedback to work. One require to offer information’s such as app name, description, price, domain, release date, screenshots and icons to register your app. You could always update the details any time.

Get sneaky with the assistance of sneak peeks and lucrative teasers

A visual works wonders in the psyche of the public and so “sneak peeks” are efficacious in catching the people. It is better to introduce a sneak peek for your app comprising some interesting screenshots from your app and a brief promo about what the user could anticipate from your app.

An app-specific website could also invite users to the app and give a glimpse into what they could actually expect from the app. Eventually the Sneak peeks could attract hundreds of users and sometimes even thousands, offering a immense list of interested users.

Beta testers would help marketable app for you

It is revealed that beta testers could be your good supporters and even market your app through word-of-mouth. These testers are professional resources for attaining a reach to your targeted global audience. A closed beta attracts numerous users to the app and creates interest in people who are eager enough to know about the familiarity of the app.

In conclusion marketing your app before any successful launch is a acumen idea, but one should be smart enough to use necessary tools and resources that could really create buzz for your app. Social media is a best place to start, but a blog or an email campaign could also work amazing for the visibility of your app.

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