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App store optimization

After designing and coming up with one of the best apps for mobile and other gadgets such as computers, another important step is promoting the application. How do you increase the visibility of your app in a field flooded with a million apps? This can be answered by use of App store optimization (A.S.O). A.S.O or app promotion therefore is a process whereby an app is optimized thus making it appear higher or rank higher when people search through the internet. This will make the app more visible to users as compared to when it ranks very low. This will ultimately increase traffic to your apps page in the apps store as compared to others.

Increase in traffic to your app will lead to many people downloading you app from the app store. For A.S.O to work effectively, the following must be put into consideration:-

The title and keyword of the app; the keyword and title that you use will play an important role in optimizing you apps. Do thorough research to ensure that you some up with a title and keyword which will attract heavy traffic. Come up with a keyword which is commonly used by the target audience when searching for the same or related app. Best keywords will make the app rank higher and because of this, news about your app will start spreading to others through the word of mouth.

Other secondary factors that must be taken into consideration in A.S.O include: The total number of downloads; this is because many people will go for those apps with highest number of downloads as they are considered safe and the best. However, as a developer you do not have control over the number of downloads. Ratings and reviews also play a fundamental role in increasing visibility of your app. Find happy users and friends drop a rating and a review for your app as this will help increase traffic to you app in the apps store.

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