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The app market is a growing industry with tons of competition. With more than 500,000 apps available at the touch of your fingers, how to get noticed and keep selling are essential keys to the success of your app. SEO and AEO tools can get you noticed, but what are the best tools to keep you selling? Once you’re on the radar, cross-selling and up-selling can keep you growing.

Cross-selling is the art of getting your customers to buy more than one product. Developers with more than one app under their belt can do this by including advertisements for other app products within each app. For example, the wildly successful Candy Crush app includes pop-up advertisements for other games after each level is complete, before you can move on to the level.

Up-selling, on the other hand, might involve getting your customer to buy more content for the app they already purchased. Some apps offer free content, but entice the customer to purchase more by offering a paid upgrade that eliminates ads in the app, or desirable content that must be purchased.

In order to have an app that continues to sell and grow, the use of up-selling and cross-selling should be an integral part of your app marketing strategy.

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