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One way of using android app marketing is social media. This will allow you to connect to people, share information, and let other people share your information with their friends. There are many different social media sites, and each is unique in it’s own way. Luckily for you marketing on this sites all have similar concepts.

The number one thing apps forget when they are on social media is that the page is for gaining downloads, not having the most likes or followers. While it is nice to have a lot because the more you have the more people your page will reach, the ultimate goal is to drive people to download your app.

Facebook and Twitter are the biggest social media sites when it comes to android app marketing. This is because all age groups use these two sites. In order to gain likes, or followers you need to show people a little of your app whether you are in stores or not. Pictures, short descriptions, and talking about a feature in the app are all things you can do to get people interested in your app.

When you start to grow a small network of likes, or followers friends of those people can see who they like, and who they follow. There is also a chance of ending up on one of your likes, or followers suggestion box for their friends. Due to this, you can reach an unlimited amount of people even if they are not involved in your apps page.

The success of your social media page is not measured by the amount of people that follow or like it but by the amount of people that download your app because of it. So make sure that you include a link to your app in your pages description.

Complete list of Android App Marketing Lessons

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