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SEO myths every firm must be aware of

It is well understandable that search engine optimisation, or SEO has given the whole amount of confusing details which actually exists relating to SEO this year of 2019. Most importantly there are few factors which are likely to do more baleful than beneficial if applied to a website’s SEO strategy.

Some of the details might seem to make sense at first but given out guidelines by the main search engines would entirely illustrate that there are myths.

Using a Dot Com Extension for Your Domain Name

Most of the people think that dot com is much desirable, according to giant Google it is not the case that they choose dot com domains and rank them much higher than other extensions such as dot net or dot org. Primarily it is true that in the beginning Google could only recognise dot coms but those olden days are long gone. If you are a local firm, interestingly looking to attract local customers then it is more beneficial to choose a domain with your country code such as co.uk in the United Kingdom.

Keyword Research Is No Longer beneficial

Most of them and SEO consultancies too, seem to think that ‘they know all aspects’ when it comes to what prosperous clients will look for. As a result, they try to optimise their websites and backlinks based on this assumption and then generally wonder why there has been no uplift in traffic visits.

Keyword research is crucial as it gathers details from search engines and competitors using actual searches, and could regularly reveal keywords that hadn’t even been thought of earlier.

Social Media is Kid’s Play

It is learnt that globally many billion people use social media and that comprises the entire age range of the population. Social media is important for any business for branding. The strong ability to target specific demographics using particular social media platforms makes it one of the qualitative marketing tools available.

If you have followed our best App Marketing Strategies at AppMarketingPlus, you’ll know that we are fan of unique services of App Store Optimization, App Launch Services, Press Release, App Reviews, App Advertising, App Promotional Strategy & Consulting, particularly when they bring something beneficial to the users. You can get more help from AppMarketingPlus for effective App Marketing.

How you can stay ahead of your competitor?

If people wish to dominate strongly the market and win, one of the most crucial things to do is to immensely define your distinctive business proposition. Also make sure that you give your customers valid reasons to come to you rather than your focused competitors.  In order to become successful business leader you require making sure that your core processes and strategy must set apart from the rest.

You can use these below ideas to build your competitive advantage.

Better to know the competition

You can find out who your competitors are, what they are providing, and what their strengths and weaknesses are. This would certainly identify the areas you require to compete in, and offer you a platform for differentiating yourself.

Get to know your customers

It is generally noted that customer expectations could change dramatically. So find out what matters to your customers now – is it lower price, more flexible or premium service, the new novel products?

You can differentiate

It’s important to give your customers valid reasons to come to you rather than a rival. You can also develop a unique selling point (USP) that taps into what customers want. It must be vivid and no-one should have to ask what makes you different.

Actively step up your marketing

It is necessary to make more effort to convey people who you are, what you sell and why they should buy from you.

Ask for expert advice from a different perspective

Expert advice will see your business from a different angle and open minded business leader should have network outside the company from which to ask quality advice.

If you have followed our best App Marketing Strategies at AppMarketingPlus, you’ll know that we are fan of unique services of App Store Optimization, App Launch Services, Press Release, App Reviews, App Advertising, App Promotional Strategy & Consulting, particularly when they bring something beneficial to the users. You can get more help from AppMarketingPlus for effective App Marketing.

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