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How to Make Video Marketing Really Work for Your Small Business

How to Make Video Marketing Really Work for Your Small Business

In this article, we’ll go over what video marketing is, the different types of videos you can make, how to incorporate videos into your content marketing strategy, how to set a budget for video production, and much more. You’ll have a better understanding of how video marketing can help your small business by the end of this orientation.

The process of creating and distributing videos to promote your product or service is known as video marketing. Videos can be used to raise awareness, drive traffic to your website, and even sell products. When performed correctly, video marketing can be a highly effective method of reaching your target audience and achieving your business objectives.

Some Of The Prospective Advantages Of Video Marketing Include:

  • Increased visibility and web traffic
  • Increased brand recognition
  • Increased interaction with customers and followers
  • More chances to convert leads to customers
  • Higher ROI than other marketing strategies

Creating short meme videos is an excellent way to connect with similar consumers and social media followers. You can connect with your target audience by making funny, relatable, and engaging videos. These videos can also be used to promote your brand or product in a fun and informative way. Whatever type of video you create, make sure it’s high-quality and consistent with your brand identity.

How to Incorporate Videos into Your Content Marketing Strategy

When developing marketing videos, it’s essential to address your target audience’s pain points and interests. This will assist your company in meeting its objectives and distinguishing itself from the competition. By concentrating on your target audience, you will be able to create more engaging and relevant content for them; potential customers will be more likely to resonate with the content and get inspired to take action.

Hiring Professionals and Using Popular Tools

If you’re dedicated to incorporating videos into your marketing strategy, you should think about hiring professionals to assist with the production. These professionals will ensure that your videos are of high quality and adhere to your branding guidelines.

Final Thoughts

Video marketing can be an excellent way to reach out to new customers and achieve important business objectives, but only if done correctly! Think about the various types of videos available before settling on one (or more) that fits your goals and budget. Make use of video SEO techniques, include calls to action, and never undervalue the significance of branding standards. After all, your high-quality visuals should perfectly reflect who you are as a business.

How to Use Video Marketing for App Engagement

App Video Marketing For Your App

It is a proven fact that videos are perfect for conveying a message. Every social media platform can function with video content. The content of videos, like the companies or individuals behind them, is multi-layered. Videos suit any industry or business, whether for news, business, education, or entertainment. We want to give you a few tips on App video marketing for your app.

Why App Video Marketing?

Looking carefully at both stores, you will notice many different videos. There is primarily no hard and fast rule about what kind of video works best. Therefore you’ll find plenty of ideas in the App Stores to present your app in video format. However, remember that your app’s advantage and real value must be recognizable in your video.

Tips & Tricks for Your App Video Marketing

Brevity Is the Spice

Start making your videos brief and to the point. Users will recognize why they demand your app in a few seconds. The better is that they are shorter. Given the number of offers available online, it’s expected that many users to give up the video after a few seconds to watch something else. As a result, concentrate on your app’s core features.

Utilize Social Media

Although if your video appears on the app page in the relevant App Store, you can help promote your app in a video through your social media channels like Facebook, Twitter, YouTube, and so on. Several of these platforms also let you add your video as an advertisement. You can also decide ahead of time which target group you want to play your video with primary consideration.

Make An Additional Landing Page For Your App

Set up an extra landing page for your app on your official site to display the app and highlight its essential features. It’s ideal for putting your app video near the top of the landing page, in the header area, to grab the viewer’s attention instantly. The App Store badges or CTAs for the two App Stores should also be placed in the header. This enables visitors to be immediately redirected to the appropriate store.

App Video in Emails

The app video can also be included in the emails to draw customers’ or potential customers’ attention to the app. You could consist of the video’s YouTube link in the email.

Final Thoughts

Videos are ideal for presenting information concisely and clearly. They are an effective marketing tool for driving campaigns. So, to visually highlight the advantages of your app, use app video marketing by adding a video to your app page in the stores. Remember to share and promote the video on social media, your website, and through email marketing.

How to Make a Successful Mobile Game Video Ad for Ad Networks

How to Make a Successful Mobile Game Video Ad for Ad Networks

This article will cover creating a high-performing video ad for ad networks. Before making video ads, let’s first discuss ad networks and exchanges.

Many people need clarification on the two because they are both parts of programmatic advertising. However, while ad networks and exchanges are necessary for media buying, they serve different purposes.

An ad network is simply a company that connects publishers and advertisers. It acts as a bridge between supply and demand. An ad exchange is not a middleman. It is a reputed platform that allows publishers and advertisers to actively buy and sell ad inventory directly from various ad networks.

Furthermore, unlike ad networks, changes are wholly implemented in real-time, and advertisers determine the price. Google, ironSource, Unity Ads, Applovin, and Apple Search Ads are the top ad networks for mobile games.

Mobile Games Marketing through Video ads


It’s no wonder that Google ranks first among ad networks. This is an excellent advertising network. Your video ads will appear on Search, YouTube, Google Play, Discover on Google Search, and the Google Display Network if you use Google App Campaigns.

Google’s Popular Universal App Campaigns with the Install Volume goal are the best option for acquiring mobile game users. Google claims that UACs convert 140% more than other campaign types. Google does a lot of work, which simplifies the entire process.

You must submit a portrait and landscape video, text, and assets. You must also select a daily budget, target location, and languages. It would be best to choose between cost-per-install and cost-per-action campaign types. Google handles the rest; there’s no need to create and test personal ads. Its algorithm will experiment with variations and placements, serving higher-performing ads more frequently. Universal App Campaigns from Google can also be used to drive in-app conversions.

Unity Ads

It is critical to note that Unity Ads is primarily a monetization platform. This means that your video ads will appear in other mobile games. It enables mobile game publishers to reach out to users who are likely interested in a specific game or game genre.

Mobile game ad placements are typically a mix of reward, playable, and interstitial videos. The wonderful thing about relevant Unity Ads is that you can track where your installs are coming from. This is referred to as attribution. You can also target specific publishers. You can block those who do not provide you with high-quality users or target sources that provide you with users who convert and remain engaged.


IronSource is a multi-purpose platform that can be used for monetization and advertising. Its app distribution platform uses machine learning to assist you in acquiring high-quality users – those who actively stay engaged and play for an extended period.

IronSource’s UA campaigns utilize advanced bid optimization technology, which results in a high ROAS. Playable ads, videos, and interactive end cards are examples of available creatives. According to IronSource, users acquired through relevant, interactive ads have a 35% higher retention rate.


AppLovin is another ad network in the Gaming Triopoly. It assists mobile game developers in reaching out to high-quality players. Applovin’s primary focus is on traditional video advertisements, as well as playable and display advertisements.

Apple Search Ads

Apple Search Ads enable you to be found in App Store search results. Apple Search Ads are great because they are simple to set up, even for beginners. You must select your app, monthly budget, target countries, and maximum CPI. Apple handles the rest.

Basic Search Ads are advised for those spending up to $10,000 per app in a single month. Another advantage is that you pay per installation at your own cost. Apple Search ads have a 50% conversion rate on average.

The Process of Developing a Video Ad for Ad Networks – Mobile Games Marketing through Video ads

The basic steps for creating a video ad for ad networks are market video, scripting, and production.

Market Analysis

As with any advertising campaign, market research is essential. Most importantly, examining your competitors’ video advertisements would be best. There are a few platforms that enable you to do so. You can search for mobile game publishers and view their ads for various ad networks, which is very helpful.

When conducting market research, you should also consider your target audience. Who are you attempting to reach with your advertisements? Define their geographical location, gender, and age.

Video Scripting

Begin writing a script once you’ve determined your competitors’ strategies and what might appeal to your target audience.

A script’s purpose is to record what happens in each scene. You can describe both the visual and audio components. Consider the ad network you like to advertise on and different ad formats when writing a script.

Video Production

Video production is the final step in creating a video ad. This is the stage at which your video producers use everything you’ve prepared for them, such as gameplay footage, the script, and other game assets, to create the video ad.

Tips for Developing a High-Quality Video Ad for Ad Networks – Mobile Games Marketing through Video ads

Consider Ad Network Policies and Requirements

The key to creating a video ad for an ad network is to adhere to the network’s specifications. As a result, video ads for Facebook and Google should be pretty different.

Google is well-known for having highly stringent rules and regulations. Other ad networks have their own set of requirements and policies.

Try Different Video Ad Formats

Interactive and playable ads have adeptly proven to be highly effective in immensely attracting high-quality users, i.e., those who not only install but also play a game. Users can try out a game by clicking on playable ads. When those users install the game, they already know what’s happening and how to play. They are familiar with the basic game mechanics and goals, so they are likelier to be engaged.

Also, even if your relevant game has a slow start or an idle element that needs to draw more attention, a playable ad allows you to highlight your game’s excellent and exciting parts.

The Facebook research looked at the case of Me2Zen, a successful company with playable ads. Playable ads increased click-through rates tenfold, and increased return on ad spend by 50%, according to Me2Zen. They also revealed that in-app purchases had risen by more than threefold.

Highlight the Most Important Game Features

Consider what makes your game unique and centre your video ad on that. Assume it’s a word game that you can adeptly play with your friends. The social aspect of the game is worth emphasizing in the advertisement.

Or it’s an action-adventure game with many exciting characters and worlds – feature them in the advertisement.

Whatever it is, use your USP to entice people to play your game. The mobile game market is extremely crowded, so knowing how to stand out is critical. Additionally, ensure that the video’s beginning is captivating. You’ve lost them if you can’t pique their interest in your ad within the first few seconds.

Include a CTA

Always include a call to action in any video advertisement. You must direct people to install your game if you want them to do so.

Make sure to highlight any “Download free,” “Install now,” or other CTAs you include. You can even test different CTAs to see which performs best, i.e. which generates the most conversions.

What to Do After Making a Video Ad for Ad Networks

A/B Evaluation

Split testing is a scientific method to determine which video ad variation performs best, achieving more conversions (installs). The methodology of A/B testing is heavily reliant on the ad network. Google, for example, will create and test different versions of an ad automatically. You don’t need to make multiple videos; change the aspect ratios. The video ad variant that performs best will be shown more frequently.

Optimization of Ads

After the initial A/B test, you’ve determined which video ad the winner is. Don’t just stop there. Make more variations of that winning ad and conduct another A/B test. You must also monitor key metrics such as CPI and ROAS. You may need to experiment with various campaign settings to achieve the desired results.

You might also discover that no matter how you set up the campaign, you need to get better results from a particular ad network. If that’s the case, consider switching to a different ad network; there are plenty to choose from.

Final Take

As you can see, developing a video ad for ad networks is a very complex process. There are numerous moving parts, so you’ll need a large team with diverse skills ranging from video production to media buying. If you’re struggling, don’t hesitate to contact us right now!

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